Ballback basketball ball returns

Basketball Video


Some basketball players dream of improving basketball skills. Making the winning shot. They listen to "free-throw Gurus" who want you "in the moment". Most basketball techniques of shooting drills advise a concise repetition of preparation, form and follow through. Confusion comes in finding your personal "touch".

Practice of free throw shooting helps you find the stance, stretch and rhythm for efficient and effective scoring.

Better basketball shooting seems to win most games. Some of us avoid severe basketball drills. We shoot hoops alone, in the driveway. Just for the fun of it! That's where we practice the repeated stance, timing, toss and trajecctory of our free-throws.

We love the thrill of hitting shots,,,and having the ball bounce back to the line. Take another! That's the story of BALLBACK.

See the sidebar for our "How To Install" video...


We have two great Basketball Returners.....


The "Original' Ballback fits "standard" home rims.
Improved with Spine!
Kicks the ball back to the free throw line shooter.

The "improved" Ballback ball return.  



The "modern" Ballback PRO
still fits "standard" rims...
But fits spring-loaded home rims too.

Get more free throw shots!

The new Ballback PRO

PS: The Ballback Pro is also available at your local Sheels sport store and Dick's Sporting Goods (Tell them Tom sent you!)


What a great invention….it was so easy to install….Susan, FL
I got it quickly after ordering….and it arrived in perfect condition….John, NY

My son is happy…and the other kids come over…..Mary, GA

It helps you concentrate…more shots…over and over again…..Pam, KY
My parents bought me the Ballback…..and I think it’s awesome…..Leo, PA

My free throws have improved already….Sam, VA

I like it because the ball comes right back when I make a shot…Derek, TN

How To Shoot Free Throws

The Importance of the basketball free throw

A good basketball player should possess the ability to hit free throws. The basketball free throw is taken 15 feet from the hoop, usually awarded after a player has been fouled. Often, the outcome of a game is dependent upon which team can successfully score their foul shots. Sometimes the pressure during a game can affect a player’s ability to score from the foul line.  To maintain confidence and score the free shots a player should be equipped with proper technique and good concentration. Even skilled NBA players like Shaquille O’ Neal struggled with free throws while displaying other great abilities. Most players are evaluated by overall abilities, including their free throw averages. A good free shooter is likely to hit 75% of his shots. Therefore, when the game is tight, that player remains a valued asset on the court...rather than the bench.   

How to take a good free throw shot.

  1.  Correct posture is important when shooting a basketball. It’s critical when shooting a free throw. You need to get your body in position. Stand central to the rim, head up, your body balanced and your shoulders square to the target.
  2. Always follow a comfortable routine. Take a deep breath and follow certain dribbles which relax you. Stick with the same routine every time before every free shot.
  3.  Your eyes should remain focused on the rim throughout your dribble, routine and flight of the ball. You should maintain your Focus on the moment. Block out other factors and concentrate.  It’s all about confident anticipation of hitting the shot. Nothing to it!
  4.  Bend your knees while stroking the shot. The strength of the shot comes from the legs more than your arms.
  5. You should shoot the ball from your finger tips, not your palm. Extend as though you’re reaching to the rim, and follow through with eyes still on the target.
  6. Produce a good trajectory of ball flight. A higher arc and soft ball rotation is best for   instant scoring, rimming in, or staying available for a rebound score. Overall, consistency of your routine, concentration and execution will be most rewarding.
  7. There is no alternative to practice. Even players in the NBA practice free throws every day. The more you shoot, the more confident you’ll become.

Please see our free basketball video and sport products that can help your game. Most of all, enjoy yourself...have some fun... shoot some hoops.